电子邮箱:qys@imut.edu.cn; qyslyt@163.com
Resume of Associate Professor
Yong-sheng Qi, male, han nationality, was born in Baotou, InnerMongolia, in Dec., 1975. At present, he is a supervisor for master studentsmajoring in “control theory and control engineering” in Inner MongoliaUniversity of Technology. He received his B. D. of “electrical engineering” inInner Mongolia University of Technology in 1999, and his Ph.D. in “detectiontechnology and automatic equipment” in Beijing University of Technology in2011.
His researches cover: 1. Fault monitoring and diagnosis of complexindustrial process. 2. Condition assessment, fault monitoring and faultdiagnosis of wind turbine system. 3. Cooperative control technology of mobilerobot. He has offered the lectures such as Measurement Technologies andInstruments, Computer Control System, PLC, Intelligent Instrument; he alsooffered Digital Signal Processing for graduates majoring in “control scienceand engineering” and “computer science”. He has published one Monograph, sixsoftware copyrights, and more than 40 papers, including 1 SCI papers and 18 EIpapers. He and his research group have been granted the funds: National NaturalScience Funds of China (61364009, 61763037, 21466026), Natural Science Funds ofInner Mongolia (2015MS056), Scientific Research Funds of Inner MongoliaProvincial Education Department (NJZY1312). Currently, he is a member of ChinaArtificial Intelligence Association and the reviewers for Chinese journals,including Control theory and Application, Control Engineering.
Contact Details:
Room 0709,
Building of Electric Power,
Inner Mongolia University of Technology,
Jinchuan Development Zone,
Hohhot, Inner Mongolia,
People’s Republic of China,
Email:qys@imut.edu.cn; qyslyt@163.com